Home-School Connections: ideas to enhance student learning at home, February 2018
Each month, school newsletters include a one-page insert called Home-School Connections. It describes ways in which families can enhance student learning at home in the areas of literacy; numeracy; healthy, caring schools and improving student learning.
This month's Home-School Connections (pdf file) features:
- Physical: Kindergarten Registration is now open. New this year:online pre-registration. Children must be four years old in 2018 (born in 2014) to enter Kindergarten.
- Cognitive: Through play children build confidence, develop social skills, take risks and learn life skills that will support their development for years ahead.
- Emotional: Beginning in July 2018, Ontario's children and families will have access to enhanced programs and services through EarlyOn Child and Family Centres. Existing programs to be consolidated under the EarlyOn umbrella are:
- Ontario Early Years Centres
- Parenting and Family Literacy Centres
- Child Care Resource Centres
- Social: The Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) offers a Ministry of Education Electronic Portfolio tool created by Brightspace. Your child may be using this tool in their classroom to capture individual evidence of learning.
For more information, please contact:
Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer, 613-966-1170 or 1 800 267-4350, extension 2354, [email protected]