Inspiring excellence is about consistently offering the very best to those around us. In addition to making a difference in daily interactions, individuals  inspiring excellence have the unwavering commitment to being the difference. Nominations are due by March 21, 2025 at 4:00 PM. Entries must be submitted online through the Inspiring Excellence nomination form

The Inspiring Excellence Awards are the highest recognition for HPEDSB employees who make significant contributions to student achievement and well-being through their commitment to and leadership in education.  

Inspiring Excellence recipients will be determined based on their contributions and how their actions align with two goals of the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan:

  • Improve student success and achievement

  • Foster a culture of excellence and high expectations

  • Promote safety and well-being

  • Strengthen community through equity and social justice

  • Ensure responsible communication

Nominations may be made by any HPEDSB employee and must include two letters of support from either another staff member, student*, parent/guardian, or community partner/member detailing specific reasons for the nomination and alignment with at least two of the Strategic Plan goals.

Nominations for Education Centre employees must include two letters of support from school-based staff. Self-nominations are not permitted.

*Students may provide letters of support for a nomination. Students interested in submitting a nomination must secure an HPEDSB employee sponsor to provide the main nomination. 

The nominator for each award recipient will be asked to read a section of their nomination submission at the Inspiring Excellence celebration on May 7, 2025.

Nomination process
A nomination submission requires sufficient information to support a fair assessment of the person being considered for the award. To ensure all necessary information is included before completing the nomination form, please review the information listed in the FAQs below.

Nomination checklist

✔ The main nominator is an HPEDSB employee.

✔ There are two letters of support (do not have to be HPEDSB employees).

 The nomination package, comprising the nomination and two letters of support, provides examples of how the individual demonstrates at least two Strategic Plan goals.

✔ The nomination will be submitted by Friday, March 21, 2025 by 4:00 PM.

We're here to help! If you have questions, contact Communications Services at [email protected] or call 613-966-1170 ext. 62350.



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