March 8, 2023- HPEDSB recognizes that virtual school remains an important choice for some families. The Ministry of Education has not yet provided direction about virtual schools for September. Based on the information available at this time, Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board (HPEDSB) is exploring the possibility of partnering with neighbouring public school boards to offer a K-10 virtual school, an elementary virtual school and a secondary virtual school option during the 2023-2024 school year. This regional approach would allow resources and expertise to be pooled to provide online learning. By working together, the partnering school boards could offer a wider range of courses, resources and support services than they could individually. In addition, a regional virtual school would provide students with access to online education, regardless of where they live.
HPEDSB and neighbouring school boards have created an online survey to gather information from families who intend to enrol their student(s) in virtual school next year. We are also gauging interest of students and families to enrol in Virtual School French Immersion programming for Grades K-8.
Virtual School survey for 2023-2024 school year
This survey is only intended for families interested in virtual school next year (2023-2024). Families not interested in any virtual school options for 2023-2024 do not need to complete this survey.