Education is a partnership among parents, students, teachers, principals, school boards, government and the community. Involving parents/guardians in their child's education is essential to student achievement and well-being.
Below are some of the ways parents/guardians can get involved with their child's school.
- School councils provide a forum through which parents/guardians and other members of school communities can contribute to improving student achievement and school performance. Each school has a school council consisting of the principal, parents/guardians, school staff and community members.
- The Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is system-level advisory body to Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board. The PIC supports, encourages and enhances meaningful parent engagement in schools.
- Parents Reaching Out Grants can be applied for by school councils to support school-based projects that help parents/guardians become more engaged in schools.
- The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) is an advisory body of representatives from provincial parent associations to share ideas, compare strategies and address common concerns related to students with special education needs.
- The Mental Health and Wellness Strategy (Pdf) provides direction about HPEDSB engaging with the community in the area of school mental health.
- Partnerships with various community agencies contribute to the well-being of every student, and to being part of caring and vibrant communities, such as Working Together for Kids' Mental Health Demonstration Project, Lions Club Hearing and Vision Screening, Terry Fox Walk/Run and Special Olympics, to name just a few.