This update provides a summary of the public meeting of the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board held March 28, 2022, livestreamed (the recorded version will be available within 24 hours). It is an unofficial summary of the meeting; official minutes will be approved at the next regular meeting in April.
Land Acknowledgement
Mike Brant, Trustee, Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, recited the Land Acknowledgement: Let us bring our minds and hearts together as one to honour and celebrate these traditional lands as a gathering place of the Huron-Wendat, Anishinabek and Haudenosaunee people. It is with deep humility that we acknowledge and offer our gratitude for their contributions to our community, having respect for all as we come together and walk side by side into the future to support our students of today.
Character Moment of Reflection
At Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board, Growing with Character is our intentional focus on creating safe, caring, respectful and inclusive learning environments where students develop the foundation for good character. Through Growing with Character, we model, teach and expect demonstrations of our eight character traits which are: Caring, Cooperation, Honesty, Humour, Integrity, Respect, Responsibility and Trustworthiness.
This evening Lucille Kyle, Trustee, North Hastings, asked all to reflect on Integrity: We do what is right for ourselves and others. We demonstrate values and ethics that are good for all. We speak directly, clearly, and respectfully. Trustee Kyle connected integrity to the Board of Trustees: being aware that everyone's demonstration of integrity is different, for example. Kyle opined that, as trustees, the integrity of each Board member matters.
Virtual Solutions in Real Time for Students with Specialized Learning Needs
The Home Instruction Program supports students who are unable to participate in face-to-face learning. That may be due to their complex learner profiles, or COVID-19 concerns/medical fragility within their family. The challenge during the pandemic was how to connect students and families to meaningful education as a transitional step to returning to in-person school. The presenters explained that success looks different for every student. The goal is to support students to keep engaged in learning, through conversations and observations, as well as having ongoing contact with parents/guardians.
Thank you to presenters Stephanie Taylor-Harvey, System Lead; Abigail Bonter, Teacher; and Carly Hansen, Teacher.
2022 School board elections and trustee distribution
In preparation for the municipal election in October 2022, Board members approved following municipalities as low population municipalities for the purposes of distribution of trustees for Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board:
- Corporation of the County of Prince Edward
- Centre Hastings (consisting of Centre Hastings, Marmora and Lake, Madoc Township and Stirling-Rawdon)
- North Hastings (consisting of Town of Bancroft, Hastings Highlands, Carlow/Mayo, Faraday, Wollaston, Limerick and Tudor Cashel)
- South East Hastings (consisting of Tweed, Town of Deseronto and Tyendinaga)
As in previous years, nine trustees will be elected and one will be pointed by Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte.
Eastside Secondary School renovations tender
Board members approved a tender to David J. Cupido Construction for Phase 2 of interior renovations at Eastside Secondary School in the amount of $2,162,000.
North Hastings High School mechanical renewal and windows tender
Board members approved a tender to Beacon Construction (Ontario) Ltd. for mechanical renewal work and window replacement at North Hastings High School, in the amount of $2,266,487.
Roofing replacements at various schools
Board members approved a tender to the following companies for the work specified:
- Amherst Roofing and Sheet Metal for roof replacement and associated work at Madoc Township Public School in the amount of $111,980;
- Dafoe Roofing Ltd. for roof replacement and associated work at Bird's Creek Public School in the amount of $326,394; Sophiasburgh Central School in the amount of $372,331; and York River Public School in the amount of $250,713;
- Nortex Roofing Ltd. for roof replacement and associated work at Centennial Secondary School in the amount of $342,750;
- Triumph Roofing Inc. for roof replacement and associated work at Eastside Secondary School in the amount of $67,290; and North Hastings High School in the amount of $351,405.
Report from the Director of Education
Highlights from this report included the following:
- Schools, staff and students are adapting to the lifted COVID-19 restrictions and are managing well.
- More normal school experiences are happening, including schools starting to plan field trips and excursions.
- The technical documentation for education funding was release last Friday; it provides insight into the Grants for Student Needs which represent the funding for the education sector; the good news is that the funding provides stability for HPEDSB for the 2022-2023 school year.
- Congratulations to Prince Edward Collegiate Institute, recognized by the Terry Fox Foundation as number 18 in the top 25 schools in Canada for fundraising. PECI raised almost $8,500 for the TFF in 2021.
Virtual School update
The 2021-2022 Virtual School was designed through a students first concept, offering remote learning instruction for K-10 students. The school serves approximately 500 students from across the district. A combination of scheduled synchronous and asynchronous instruction is used. The school has experienced successes and challenges, while supporting students and families. Planning for the 2022-2023 Virtual School is underway. The structure will be established based on the results of registrations by grade, aligning with staffing and budget. Find out more starting on page 10 of the March 28, 2022 agenda.
English Language Learning Program update
English language learners are students whose first language is a language other than English, or is a variety of English significantly different from that used for instruction in Ontario's schools and who may require focused educational support to assist them in attaining proficiency in English. These students may be Canadian-born or recently arrived from other countries. They come from diverse backgrounds and school experiences, and have a wide variety of strengths and needs. During the 2021-2022 school year, the ELL delivery model was enhanced to include intentional support for both teachers and students within the classroom whenever possible. Find out more starting on page 14 of the March 28, 2022 agenda.
Math Fundamentals Teaching and Learning Practices
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, K-8 student achievement data for Mathematics reflected a trend of declining student performance at provincial standard, based on EQAO Assessment of Mathematics. The declining achievement created a sense of urgency requiring an intentional interruption to this trend. Locally, this has led to a continued priority on math, involving a thorough review of past practices, alignment to reflect the direction set by the new Mathematics curriculum and fundamentals of mathematics, and to guide changes in system level support to shift program design; instruction and assessment practices; deployment of new resources to educators and schools; and delivery of increased frequency and intentionality of support to identified intensive support schools. Find out more starting on page 16 of the March 28, 2022 agenda.
Report from student trustees
Highlights from this report included the following:
- Student Voice meeting tomorrow about the election process for student trustees.
Budget/Finance Committee update from March 21, 2022
Highlights from this report included the following:
- reviewed the tenders mentioned earlier in this report; and
- reviewed the business case submission for the former Quinte Secondary School.
Special Education Advisory Committee update from February 24 and March 24, 2022
Highlights from this report included the following:
OPSBA Information Exchange
Highlights from this report included the following:
- email from OPSBA asking for nominations for elected positions;
- June 9-11, 2022 will be the Annual General Meeting in person in Ottawa; and
- reminder about the Public Property Scholarship, the deadline to apply is May 20.
Questions, reports and proposals from trustees
Highlights from this report included the following:
- Lunch and Learn sessions for trustees to learn about the audit process are coming up; contact Jennifer Cobb to sign up.
- Appreciation expressed to Student Trustee Moira Gaddes for being a guest speaker and role model at a recent community event about period poverty.
For more information, please contact Kerry Donnell, Communications and Privacy Manager, 613-966-1170, extension 62354, or 613-847-0696, or [email protected]