Board Meeting Update #169, September 9, 2019

Board Meeting Update #169, September 9, 2019
Posted on 09/09/2019

This update provides a summary of the special public meeting of Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board held Monday, September 9, 2019 at the Education Centre. It is an unofficial summary of the meeting; official minutes will be approved at the next regular meeting in September 2019.


Swearing in of Krista McConnell, new trustee for Belleville/Thurlow

Krista McConnell was sworn in as a new trustee for the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board. McConnell replaces Michael Rush who passed away on July 2, 2019. She will be one of two trustees representing Belleville/Thurlow; the other is Lisa Anne Chatten.

McConnell grew up in Belleville and has 18 years of experience in education, nine of which in the college setting. Her background is in in business and accounting. Read more in the news release.

Entry Plan for the Director of Education

Sean Monteith, Director of Education, shared the Director of Education Entry Plan, 2019-2020 with trustees. He asked trustees to consider the following approach:

  • Formal presentation to the Board of Trustees of the "Director of Education Entry Plan, 2019-2020" and System Annual Working Goals, at the regular Board meeting on September 23, 2019;
  • Presentation of a proposed revised Policy Review Schedule; and
  • Presentation of a Senior Administration/Administration Restructuring Plan.


Sean Monteith announced that he received a letter from the Canadian Association of Communicators in Education informing that Kerry Donnell, Communications & Privacy Manager, has won a BRAVO! Award. The national awards program honours outstanding performance by CACE members and is source of both individual and group prestige. The award will be presented in late October 2019.

Upcoming meetings

All meetings take place at the Education Centre unless otherwise noted.

  • Tuesday, September 3: Executive Committee, 11:00 a.m.
  • Monday, September 9: Special Public Board Meeting, 5:00 p.m.
  • Monday, September 23: Public Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday, September 24: Parent Involvement Committee, 6:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, September 25: Audit Committee, 3:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, September 26: Special Education Advisory Committee, 5:00 p.m.

For more information, please contact Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer, extension 2354, [email protected]