Student engagement is a priority at Centennial Secondary School. It is evident today, Tuesday, May 14, 2013, with 45 students at the Education Centre for the CSS Student Forum.
"The student forum has given me an opportunity to express my ideas and made me feel like an important part of my school community," says Cameron Mills, a Grade 11 student facilitator.
The forum is a follow-up activity to get students involved in making positive change at their school. Student facilitators took all classes through the Tell Them From Me Survey in April. After receiving the results the facilitators took a deeper look into the data and planned the events of the forum with the support of Vice-principal Eric Fetterley and Teachers Laura Maclellan and Pat Foran.
Student voice is front and center. The forum involves a diverse group of students working together and taking ownership in leading school improvement. By the end of the forum, students will have analyzed the data, identified areas to celebrate and areas that they are committed to working collaboratively to improve.
Staff and students are looking forward to the priorities and ideas that will come out of the forum as they look towards ongoing collaboration for future school improvement.
For more information, please contact:
Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer, 613-966-1170 or 1 800 267-4350, extension 2354, [email protected]