EVENT: Grand opening of the Learning Commons at Bayside SS, Wed., November 6

EVENT: Grand opening of the Learning Commons at Bayside SS, Wed., November 6
Posted on 11/06/2013

Students and staff at Bayside Secondary School are looking forward to the grand opening of the new Learning Commons (formerly known as the Library). The new space is welcoming and multi-functional. There are spots for quiet reading, collaboration, computer work and more!

DATE: Wednesday, November 6, 2013
TIME: 1:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Bayside Secondary School, 1247 Old Highway 2, Belleville

During the summer of 2013, the library underwent a major renovation, getting new carpet, paint, bookcases, and electrical installations. That work naturally led to a re-configuration of the furniture and resources. As well, an art gallery was installed to showcase student art.

The overall goal of Bayside's Learning Commons is to assist students with critical thinking skills when accessing a variety of resource materials. As well, staff foster a love of reading and provide students with a variety of reading formats, including eBooks and eReaders.

Bayside's Learning Commons has a large variety of learning resources, both traditional print and computer based materials, including over 9,000 print materials, 150 non-fiction eBooks, academic databases, and over 80 eFiction titles. A teacher librarian is available to assist in locating print and online information, teaching research skills and assisting with citation requirements. Online resources can be easily accessed 24/7 through Bayside's Virtual Library website. Students may read eBooks through this site, check out MLA/APA guidelines, and use academic research databases, including Britannica (both English and French), EBSCO, Teen Health and Wellness and Historica (both English and French).Bayside SS has an active book club that enjoys meeting in the new Learning Commons. Students from Junior and Senior divisions discuss a variety of fiction, some chosen by students and some from the Forest of Reading's White Pine choices.

Computers are available for student use during lunch hours and other times throughout the day. As well, students may borrow project kits and obtain Bristol board for projects through the library.

For more information, please contact:
Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer, 613-966-1170 or 1 800 267-4350, extension 2354, [email protected]