A two-day gathering of individuals who lead Aboriginal Education in school boards across the province is taking place on November 18 and 19, 2014.
Two-day provincial gathering for First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education leads
DATE: November 18 and 19, 2014
LOCATION: Marriott Toronto Airport Hotel
Participants will include approximately 130 Aboriginal education leads from Ontario school boards, as well as directors of education, superintendents and various partners First Nation, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) advisory groups from across the province.
Organizer Troy Maracle, Curriculum Coordinator, proposed the idea following a similar event a few years ago.
"The idea of the gathering came after I had been giving some thought to the fact that as Board leads, we seldom get to meet. I felt there was a need for a gathering of Aboriginal Education leads in Ontario because we have been implementing many strategies and initiatives since 2007 and we have made tremendous advances, but we had never met as a whole group. It is time to celebrate and share our accomplishments, but more, it is time to build our knowledge through collaboration and sharing of these very accomplishments,"said Maracle.
Background on the Aboriginal Education leads
The Aboriginal Education leads in each school board play a critical role in building capacity for effective instructional and leadership practices to enhance student literacy and numeracy skills. They provide supports to reduce gaps in engagement and achievement by promoting the integration of FNMI cultures, histories and perspectives throughout the curriculum, and engaging families and communities in the education of their children.
Aboriginal Education leads have developed a wealth of knowledge, while creating deep relationships within the First Nations Métis and Inuit communities. They have created an abundance of informed implementation strategies that have positively affected the success of all students. They have also helped to enhance a deeper appreciation of contemporary and traditional cultures, issues and hopes of First Nations Métis and Inuit students and communities.
For more information, please contact:
Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer, 613-966-1170 or 1 800 267-4350, extension 2354, [email protected]