This update provides a summary of the public meeting of the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board held Monday, November 25, 2019 at Eastside Secondary School. It is an unofficial summary of the meeting; official minutes will be approved at the next regular meeting in January 2020.
Shannon Binder, Chair of the Board, acknowledged the First Peoples of the territory. This evening we acknowledge that the land on which we are gathered is part of the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee people. We acknowledge the land to show respect and recognize the First Peoples of the territory; their history, culture and perspectives and as a step towards reconciliation.
Character Moment of Reflection
Each Board meeting opens with a Character Moment of Reflection. At Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board, Growing with Character is our intentional focus on creating safe, caring, respectful and inclusive learning environments where students develop the foundation for good character. Growing with Character is the foundation of the school board strategic plan. Through Growing with Character, we model, teach and expect demonstrations of our eight character traits which are: caring, cooperation, honesty, humour, integrity, respect, responsibility and trustworthiness.
This evening Lucille Kyle, Trustee, North Hastings, asked all to reflect on Honesty. She shared a personal story about honesty in her personal life.
Celebrating students: Eastside Secondary School
A student and staff from Eastside Secondary School presented three topics: a welcome message in the Mohawk language, a video about the International Baccalaureate (IB) program and a presentation about assistive technology.
The teaching of a language has to come from the heart; you can know the words, know the grammar and mechanics, although we speak from our soul, from our lived experiences and understandings. Teacher Joe Brown brings the Mohawk language to life and to heart for students both at Eastside and also at the HOPE program. Student Morgan Bernhardt recited a greeting in Mohawk.
The IB program engages students to reach further, dig deeper and contribute to both their immediate and distance communities. The presenters showed a video about this program.
The work in assisting students in their learning is vast and teachers support students in a variety of ways every day. The learning is also dynamic and never ending. This presentation showcased how assistive technology is used with students at Eastside SS.
Superintendent of Education Laina Andrews thanked guests Morgan Bernhardt, Grade 9 Student and Joe Brown, Teacher; Kate Cockburn, Teacher and IB Lead; and Shara Jones and Jessica Stuart, Teachers.

Thank you to presenters from Eastside Secondary School: Eric Fetterley, Vice-principal; Shara Jones, Teacher; Jessica Stuart, Teacher; Ken Manderville, Principal; Morgan Bernhardt, Grade 9 Student; and Joe Brown, Teacher.
2018-2019 Consolidated Financial Statements
Board members approved the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending August 31, 2019.
During the year the board expended $13,746,542 on capital asset acquisition/construction. These expenditures are funded through a variety of sources including capital priorities, school condition improvement, and school renewal grants.
The audited financial statements result in an in-year surplus of $6,840,755 and a corresponding in-year surplus for Ministry compliance reporting purposes of $5,147,658. This brings the total accumulated surplus available for compliance to $9,578,037. The original budget plan for 2018-19 was forecast to have a surplus for compliance purposes of $1,546,019, as required by the board's mandated Multi-Year Financial Recovery Plan. The board has exceeded its targets under the Multi-Year Financial Recovery Plan for the 2018-2019 year.
Revisions to Policy 11: Committees of the Board
This topic was tabled (deferred) to a next meeting to allow more consideration and fulsome discussion.
Calendar of events
A number of district and school events (Pdf) are scheduled for December 2019. Upcoming events include the following among many more:
- December 2:
- Band Performance, Bayside Public School, 3:45 p.m.
- Spaghetti Lunch, V.P. Carswell Elementary School
- December 3 & 4: Lion's Club Vision and Hearing Screening for JK/SK
- December 4 & 5: District Girls and Boys Volleyball Tournaments, North Hastings High School
- December 6: Performance about gender-based violence at the Core Arts Centre, Prince Edward Collegiate Institute students
- December 12: Whole School excursion to Stirling Festival Theatre, Massassaga-Rednersville Public School
- December 13: Co-op Open House, Bayside Secondary School
- December 18:
- Festive Lunch, Bird's Creek Public School and Marmora Public School
- Christmas Auction (school and community), Trenton High School
Report from the Chair
Highlights from this report included the following:
- Summary of an Eastern Region meeting in early November hosted by Limestone District School Board
Report from the Executive Committee
Highlights from this report included the following:
- Strategic planning, board rebranding, Board credit cards, student trustee participation in closed (in-camera) meetings
Report from the Audit Committee
Highlights from this report included the following:
- Draft 2018-2019 financial statements mentioned above
- 2019-2020 Risk Assessment Project
Questions, reports and proposals from trustees and student trustees
Highlights from this report included the following:
- Student Senate meeting summary: students are using Discord to communicate online; update from the Mental Health Leadership Team
- Reference to calls of action about missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and queer people
- Request for 'student voice' to be included on the agendas for public meetings (this will be reviewed through a policy change)
- Attendance at the provincial Advocacy Day in Toronto today hosted by the Ontario Public School Boards' Association
Letter from Waterloo Region District School Board regarding TeachON
Upcoming meetings
All meetings take place at the Education Centre unless otherwise noted.
- Monday, December 9: Annual Public Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
- Thursday, December 12: Special Education Advisory Committee, 5:00 p.m.
- Monday, January 6: Executive Committee, 11:00 a.m.
- Thursday, January 23: Special Education Advisory Committee, 5:00 p.m.
- Monday, January 27:
- Public Committee of the Whole, 6:00 p.m.
- Public Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
For more information, please contact Kerry Donnell, Communications Manager, extension 62354, [email protected]