The Kaswhénta was the very first treaty between First Nations and Europeans. Known also as the Two Row wampum, this treaty served as the basis for all subsequent treaties that were negotiated with Government officials. The Dutch and the Haudenosaunee made this treaty in 1613 to establish how each would live with and treat each other. It was later fully adopted by the British. The two purple parallel lines represent the existence of equal cultures of the First Nations and the Europeans who agreed through this treaty, to live side by side never interfering in each others culture, laws, and way of life. The white parallel lines represent that the agreement is based on peace, friendship, and good minds (respect).
As part of our commitment to reconciliation, and in recognition of Treaty Recognition Week, HPEDSB flies this flag that represents the original treaty agreed upon by the Europeans and First Nations people as a reminder that we are all treaty people, and we are to live alongside of one another in peace, friendship, and respect.
More information about Ontario Treaties and their history is available on the Ontario Treaties website.