Earlier this week, the Ministry of Education released the curriculum for the new de-streamed Grade 9 math course, coming into effect this coming September for students entering Grade 9. Per the Ministry, “The new course ends the practice of streaming Grade 9 students into applied and academic courses, a practice that has in the past disadvantaged some students. Ending streaming will keep options open for all students to pursue postsecondary education and training in any pathway they choose."
All students entering Grade 9 in September will take the new math course, they will not choose between Academic or Applied math. The new course is replacing both Grade 9 Academic Math (MPM1D) and Grade 9 Applied Math (MFM1P).
To assist HPEDSB families with the transition to the new Grade 9 math, an infographic and parent letter have been sent to school families explaining how the change affects students entering Grade 9 this fall.
HPEDSB Grade 9 de-streamed math information package
For more information, please review the curriculum for the new Grade 9 Mathematics course, available on the Ontario Curriculum and Resources website.