January 25, 2021-This update provides a summary of the online public meeting of the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board held January 25, 2021, (the recorded version will be available within 24 hours). It is an unofficial summary of the meeting; official minutes will be approved at the next regular meeting in February.
Land acknowledgement
Mike Brant, Trustee, Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, recited the land acknowledgement: Let us bring our minds and hearts together as one to honour and celebrate these traditional lands as a gathering place of the Huron-Wendat, Anishinabek and Haudenosaunee people. It is with deep humility, that we acknowledge and offer our gratitude for their contributions to our community, having respect for all as we come together and walk side by side into the future to support our student of today.
Black History Month, Pride Month, National Indigenous History Month
Board members approved recommendations to encourage and honour Black History Month during February; encourage and celebrate Pride Month during June; and encourage and celebrate National Indigenous History Month in June.
These recommendations connect with actions and recommendations by the Ontario Public School Boards' Association, specifically, "advocate to the Ministry of Education and the Education Equity Secretariat, that supporting the work of district school boards with regard to anti-Indigenous and anti-Black racism be a priority. This support must include funding, and should involve the sharing of research, including the collection of identity-based data on educational outcomes, as well as effective practices, strategies, and approaches."
Find out more starting on page 16 of the January 25, 2021 agenda (Pdf).
Policy 19: Board Improvement Plan
The 2020-2021 Board Improvement Plan (BIP) continues to reflect the goals identified in school improvement plans. The work of addressing underachieving results, reversing the declining trend in student achievement, and creating a culture of innovative thinking and evidence-informed risks continues despite the recent at-home learning and ensuing pandemic. The BIP focus continues to be on system culture and practices, leadership development, and on teaching and learning, all through an equity lens of hope, opportunity and outcome.
The work continues to be aligned with empowering all employees to understand and believe in themselves as part of the revitalized system vision of students first, closing achievement gaps, and getting students to graduation.
Though there have been various barriers to collaboration, teaching and learning, the fact is that new thinking and new ways of addressing student achievement have emerged despite the inability to connect in ways that were once routine.
Find out more starting on page 18 of the January 25, 2021 agenda (Pdf).
QSS Revitalization Report
Consultants have been engaged to develop various plans to revitalize the former Quinte Secondary School. These include creating enrolment projections for a dedicated K-8 French Immersion program for the Belleville and Trenton areas, creating preliminary floor plans for a consolidated French Immersion school co-located with board administrative functions, reviewing building systems and renewal needs at the Quinte Secondary site, and preparing detailed construction cost estimates. Transportation, financial, and funding analyses have been conducted already.
Find out more starting on page 21 of the January 25, 2021 agenda (Pdf).
2020 Director's Annual Report
The 2020 Director's Annual Report was presented for information. 2020 was definitely a year like no other. The COVID-19 pandemic was certainly front and centre, and it affected HPEDSB and everyone connected to our schools and communities. But that was only a part of story at HPEDSB. 2020 was also a year of revitalizing, refreshing and revisioning. A heartfelt thank you to Karen La Rose, Communications Officer, whose creativity, big-picture thinking and commitment to excellence created the comprehensive report.
Report from student trustees
Highlights from this report included the following:
- the three student trustees meet weekly with the director of education and Megan Adam, Student Services Coordinator;
- revising the procedure about student representation on the Board; and
- planning a virtual event for students.
Report from the Parent Involvement Committee meeting (November 24, 2020)
Highlights from this report included the following:
- 4o participants at the November meeting;
- will be reviewing policies and procedures to provide input; and
- reviewing the procedure for playground fundraising with the intent of making it more equitable among school communities.
Find out more starting on page 65 of the January 25, 2021 agenda (Pdf).
Report from the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) meeting (December 10, 2020)
Highlights from this report included the following:
- presentation about the universal design for teaching and learning; and
- three break-out groups focused on mental health supports for student; IEP structure and strategy; and advocacy and social justice issues.
Report from the Policy Review Working Group
Highlights from this report included the following:
- this committee will review sub-policies of Policy 11 and playground funding.
Report from the OPSBA Information Exchange
Highlights from this report included the following:
- provided a reminder about the virtual Public Education Symposium taking place later this week and suggested that participants attend different sessions, take notes, which will be shared later.
Report from the Equity and Inclusivity Advisory Committee
Highlights from this report included the following:
- working with external advisor Erik Lockhart to brainstorm and start to process ideas and themes to work through over the next few months and into the next few years.
Questions from trustees
- A question was asked about articles in the news about COVID-19 testing being done in schools; the Director of Education responded that it will be voluntary, with parent/guardian consent required; the testing will be to reinforce that schools are safe for teaching and learning; more information to come;
- A question about the Tri-Board Student Transportation Services RFP (request for proposal) being deferred; the Superintendent of Business confirmed that the RFP closing date has been extended to the end of the summer due to complications experienced through provincial closure orders.
- A question about the Ministry of Education eliminating the discretion to suspend students in Grades 1-3.
For more information, please contact Kerry Donnell, Communications Manager, extension 62354, [email protected]