Board Meeting Update 194: June 21, 2021

Board Meeting Update 194: June 21, 2021
Posted on 06/21/2021

This update provides a summary of the online public meeting of the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board held June 21, 2021, livestreamed (the recorded version will be available within 24 hours). It is an unofficial summary of the meeting; official minutes will be approved at the next regular meeting in September.

Land acknowledgement

Mike Brant, Trustee, Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, recited the land acknowledgement: Let us bring our minds and hearts together as one to honour and celebrate these traditional lands as a gathering place of the Huron-Wendat, Anishinabek and Haudenosaunee people. It is with deep humility, that we acknowledge and offer our gratitude for their contributions to our community, having respect for all as we come together and walk side by side into the future to support our students of today.

Character Moment of Reflection

At Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board, Growing with Character is our intentional focus on creating safe, caring, respectful and inclusive learning environments where students develop the foundation for good character. Through Growing with Character, we model, teach and expect demonstrations of our eight character traits which are: Caring, Cooperation, Honesty, Humour, Integrity, Respect, Responsibility and Trustworthiness.

This evening Bonnie Danes, Trustee, Centre Hastings, asked all to reflect on Respect: We value ourselves, others and our environment. We give consideration to the thoughts and actions of others. We treat others as we would want to be treated ourselves, with courtesy and dignity.


Appointment of the Director of Education

Board members approved the appointment of Katherine MacIver as the new director of education. MacIver, known as an influential leader and strategic, innovative thinker, comes to the role with over 25 years of experience in elementary and secondary education. She is a results oriented leader who establishes a culture of high expectations and accountability, with a focus on student well-being, equity and learning. Throughout her career, MacIver's focus has been on being supportive and responsive to all learners in order to achieve equitable outcomes and strengthen communities. She uses data to make decisions, then collaboratively sets high impact, transparent and clear direction. Congratulations and welcome, Katherine.

Katherine MacIver
Congratulations to Katherine MacIver, selected as Director of Education, effective July 1, 2021.

(Former) Quinte Secondary School revitalization

Board members approved a recommendation for the former Quinte Secondary School site to remain part of Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board, to be revitalized and repurposed to include:

  • a single stream French Immersion K-8 school;
  • Quinte Adult Education; and
  • the amalgamation of the Education Centre, William R. Kirk building and Georg Umb maintenance building at the former QSS site.

The recommendation further directed staff present options to address capacity and enrollment challenges at the Bayside Public School Annex, Bayside Secondary School, Harmony Public School, Harry J. Clarke Public School and Prince Charles Public School (Trenton), including relocating students, grade structure changes and/or boundary changes, and that this information be provided to the Board in fall 2021.

Find out more starting on page 9 of the June 21, 2021 agenda.

2021-2022 Proposed budget

This item was deferred to Thursday, June 24, 2021 through a motion. It will be presented at a public Committee of the Whole meeting and a public Special Board meeting that evening.

2020-2021 Special Education Plan

Board members approved amendments to the 2020-2021 Special Education Plan. The in-year changes were to program and service offerings, among other topics. The document aligns with the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan: Learning Together and reflects the recommendations in the Special Education in Ontario Kindergarten to Grade 12 Policy and Resource Guide 2017.

Find out more starting on page 92 of the June 21, 2021 agenda.

Policy revisions

Board members approved revisions to the following 13 policies:

  • Policy 3E: Honoraria for Board Members
  • Policy 3F: Expense Reimbursement for Board Members
  • Policy 3G: Hospitality
  • Policy 3H: Filing Vacancies on the Board
  • Policy 3I: Indemnification of Board Members
  • Policy 11B: Executive Committee
  • Policy 11C: Special Education Advisory Committee
  • Policy 11D: Supervised Alternative Learning Committee
  • Policy 11E: Audit Committee
  • Policy 11F: Parent Involvement Committee
  • Policy 11G: Accessibility Advisory Committee
  • Policy 11H: Student Discipline Committee
  • Policy 11I: Ad Hoc Committee

Find out more starting on page 150 of the June 21, 2021 agenda.


Equity Action Plan

This presentation provided an update about the Equity Action Pan and next steps. In 2017, the Ministry of Education released Ontario's Education Equity Action Plan which establishes clear deliverables and targets for which school boards are accountable. While HPEDSB is progressing in the areas of equity and social justice, the main goal of the 2020-2021 school year was to establish an equity and inclusivity advisory committee (EIAC) and develop an equity action plan. The 2021-2024 Equity Action Plan will be presented to the Board in September 2021 with a rollout plan.

Find out more starting on page 189 of the June 21, 2021 agenda.

2021-2022 Board and committee meeting dates

This report presented meeting dates for Board and committee meetings for the period September 2021 to June 2022.

Find out more starting on page 191 of the June 21, 2021 agenda.

Report from the outgoing Director of Education Sean Monteith

Sean Monteith provided a verbal report in advance of his last day at HPEDSB, which is June 30, 2021. Highlights from this report included the following:

  • planning for the September school start-up is continuing among senior staff; HPEDSB is prepared based on the information available at this time; and
  • acknowledged National People's Day today; and
  • acknowledged the students, families, staff and the Board of Trustees during the 18 months of his tenure.

Presentation to the outgoing student trustees

Highlights from this report included the following:

  • remarks by Megan Adam, Student Services Coordinator, who acknowledged the leadership positivity and efforts of student trustees Moira Gaddes, Eastside Secondary School; Kiydan Zachariah, Prince Edward Collegiate Institute; and Grace Whyte, Bayside Secondary School. Grace is going to university in the fall; and
  • welcome to Lawson Hung, Trenton High School, who is joining the student trustee team in August.

Report from the Audit Committee, June 2, 2021

Highlights from this report included the following:

  • appointment of new committee member James Edmunds;
  • update from the external auditor and the regional internal audit team; and
  • reviewed pertinent dates for the upcoming year.

Report from the Special Education Advisory Committee, June 10, 2021

Highlights from this report included the following:

  • student use of technology and supports for students during the summer; and
  • IEP and mental health updates.

Report from Indigenous Education Advisory Committee, June 17, 2021

Highlights from this report included the following:

  • new committee members;
  • a new graduation coach role for North Hastings High School;
  • update on the summer transition camps, one in the north and one in the south; and
  • online sessions offered to staff to learn more about Indigenous history, culture and learning.

OPSBA Information Exchange

Highlights from this report included the following:

  • education funding, student transportation review; Indigenous Education Committee meeting;
  • government and public affairs issues;
  • transitioning from COVID-19 to the new school year;
  • French as a Second Language; and
  • the Canadian School Boards' Conference in early July.

Report from the Chair of the Board

Highlights from this report included the following:

  • acknowledged the efforts of students, staff and families during remote learning;
  • support from Food for Learning and The HPE Learning Foundation;
  • learning to be still and take care of oneself;
  • the importance of interacting in person;
  • missing people's smiles behind masks and learning to read people's eyes; and
  • best wishes for a good summer, be kind to one another and help people who are in need.


Letter sent to Minister Lecce regarding Easthill Elementary School

Find out more starting on page 194 of the June 21, 2021 agenda.

For more information, please contact Kerry Donnell, Communications & Privacy Manager, 613-966-1170, extension 62354, or 613-847-0696, or [email protected]