Invitation to provide input to the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board

Invitation to provide input to the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board
Posted on 01/13/2020

Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board is creating a new five-year strategic plan. An important part of the planning involves hearing from families, students, employees and community members about how we can improve and build confidence with them.

We want to hear about how we can improve HPEDSB. That's why we're inviting stakeholders to participate in our Thoughtexchange, an online crowdsourcing platform where people can share their ideas, then read about and rate the thoughts of others. The purpose is to seek everyone's thoughts about what they want HPEDSB to be, how we can improve and be the public education choice in our communities.

"Our unwavering belief is all students first and we are committed to getting better at serving students. Creating a new five-year strategic plan is important work for the Board of Trustees and staff. We're looking forward to getting input from our families and communities because it will help us understand what to focus on as we plan for the future of education at HPEDSB. I invite everyone to participate." -Lucille Kyle, Chair of the Board.

Using Thoughtexchange, you can share your thoughts and suggestions, building on the ideas of others at this link: Thoughtexchange is anonymous and includes thousands of voices in the conversation, not just a handful. All thoughts and ratings are public but your identity remains private.

A brief introductory video includes stories from our students and a message from Lucille Kyle, Chair of the Board.

As you reflect on your interactions with HPEDSB, consider this question: What are the most important things we can do as a public education system to improve and build confidence with you? then add your thoughts.

For more information, please contact:
Kerry Donnell, Communications &Public Relations Manager, 613.966.1170 or 1.800.267.4350, extension 62354, [email protected]