Each month, school newsletters include a one-page insert called Home-School Connections. It describes ways in which families can enhance student learning at home in the areas of literacy; numeracy; healthy, caring schools and improving student learning.
This month's Home-School Connections (Pdf) features:
- Physical: Activating our Brains. Before you cozy in with a book or jump on the internet, MOVE. Your brain and your ability to think, will thank you for it.
- Cognitive: It's important for children and teens to read and to write outside of school hours, especially during summer holidays and breaks from school.
- Emotional: Reading about experiences is almost the same as living it! Your brain creates the visuals and the images in your mind. Your Brain on Books: 10 Things That Happen to Our Minds When We Read.
- Social: Although writing may feel like an individual thing to do - it's actually very social. We write because we have something to say, learn or hold on to. Writing is an exchange, a conversation and an opportunity to build on what we know.
For more information, please contact:
Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer, 613-966-1170 or 1 800 267-4350, extension 2354, [email protected]