A sea of pink will flow through HPEDSB schools and workplaces on Wednesday, April 11, 2018. A sea of pink T-shirts, that is. In fact, there will be about 2,500+ of them!
Day of Pink has been recognized at HPEDSB for almost 10 years. It is a time when students, employees and community members come together to demonstrate their shared belief in celebrating inclusivity, diversity and acceptance at schools, workplaces and communities. Wearing pink also acknowledges and offers support to the ongoing efforts to increase awareness of bullying prevention initiatives, homophobia, racism and all forms of hatred.
The theme this year is Choose Kind. The T-shirts feature the words In a world where you can be anything, choose kind. They were sold for $6 through support of local sponsors who helped offset the costs: CUPE (Canadian Union of Public Employees), ETFO (Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario), OPC (Ontario Principals' Council), and OSSTF (Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation).
Promoting character development and leadership through acceptance, equity and inclusivity are priorities at Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board.
Students have participated in the following leadership and learning events this school year:
- Orange Shirt Day, to recognize and honour people who attended residential schools
- Bullying Prevention and Awareness Week
- Poverty Challenge Quinte, focuses on local poverty issues and students participate in a simulation where they explore what it is like to live in poverty, gaining an understanding of poverty issues, contexts and barriers
- Race and Racism: Igniting Student Voice, empowers students to be leaders and advocates for change
- Say and Do Nice Things, which encourages people to do welcoming behaviours, such as smiling, saying ‘hi' and asking how things are going outside of school
- Uncovering Our Bias diversity workshop (for educators and support staff), about reflecting on one's current practices in equity and inclusivity
Schools and workplaces will be a sea of pink on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 for International Day of Pink. T-shirts are logoed with the words "In a world where you can be anything, CHOOSE KIND."