Having served 37 years as a school board trustee, Sam Clements is retiring.
Clements was first appointed in August 1978 to the former Hastings County Board of Education, replacing Jack Stam. He served as Vice-chair of the Board from 1983-1985 and again from 1989-1991. Clements had a significant amount of involvement with the Accommodation Committee through the 1980s that led to the reorganization of several schools and the closure of others, changes that were fairly well received at the time.
When school boards amalgamated in 1998 as part of province-wide municipal restructuring, Clements was one of nine members of the first Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board (HPEDSB) (today there are 10). Sam has continued to represent Trenton/CFB Trenton since then.
Over the years, Clements has represented his constituents through participation on different committees.
"As an engineer, I have always been interested in the operations side of the business," said Clements. "It was always important to me to use my knowledge and experiences to help make good decisions for students and the operations of the school board as an organization."
Clements has served on the Executive Committee, Operations and Finance Committee, Program and Human Resources Committee, and joined the Audit Committee when it was created in 2010.
"We all wish Sam the best as he transitions into retirement. It's going to be an adjustment without him being a Board member. Sam is one of the longest-serving trustees in the province and the longest for our school board. We will miss his thought-provoking questions and his institutional knowledge," said Dwayne Inch, Chair of the Board.
Clements will be honoured for his public service at the public Board meeting on Monday, October 20, 2014. His last meeting will be on Monday, November 24, 2014.
For more information, please contact:
Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer, 613-966-1170 or 1 800 267-4350, extension 2354,[email protected]