This update provides a summary of the public meeting of Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board held Monday, October 20, 2014 at the Education Centre. It is an unofficial summary of the meeting; official minutes will be approved at the next regular meeting in November 2014.
Recognition of Sam Clements, Trustee for Trenton/CFB Trenton, retiring after 37 years
After 37 years as an elected school board trustee, Sam Clements will be retiring at the end of November. He chose not to run for election in the municipal election scheduled for October 27, 2014. Mandy Savery-Whiteway, Director of Education, acted as emcee as Sam was honoured. Clements was joined by his wife, Marlene, their children, grandchildren and friends.
Presentations to Sam Clements were made by the following:
- Dwayne Inch, Chair of the Board, on behalf of the Ministry of Education and also on behalf of Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board;
- John Williams, Mayor, on behalf of the City of Quinte West; and
- Thelma Goodfellow, Trustee, on behalf of the Ontario Public School Boards'Association.
A video highlighting Clements'career with the former Hastings County Board of Education and the amalgamated Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board was shown. Congratulations to Sam Clements for his service to students during the past 37 years.
Report from Committee of the Whole
Highlights from this report included the following:
- Easement at Harry J. Clarke Public School
- Probationary status of elementary teachers
Approval of the Annual Accessibility Plan
Board members approved the Annual Accessibility Plan for the period 2014 - 2019. The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005) (AODA) and the Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2001) (ODA) require school boards to prepare annual plans to address barriers to persons with disabilities. The plan has had several revisions since it was first published in 2005. The Accessibility Advisory Committee met in September 2014 to review and update the plan which incorporates plans for the next five year-period. It is accessible through a link on the HPEDSB website.
Mentally healthy schools letter of support
The HPEDSB AiM-Achievement in Motion for Student Success System Plan (AiM) identifies Reaching High Levels of Student Achievement and Promoting Well-Being for Students and Employees as priorities for 2014-2015. Board members approved a recommendation to send a letter to the Ministry of Education to address the need for additional supports to promote mental health and well-being for all students.
Calendar of Events
A number of district and school events are scheduled for the remainder of October and November 2014.
Upcoming events include the following:
- Tuesday, October 21: Centre Hastings School Group Girls Soccer Tournament at Madoc Township Public School.
- Wednesday, October 22: Centre Hastings School Group Boys Soccer Tournament at Madoc Township Public School.
- Thursday, October 23: V.P. Carswell Elementary School, Grade 4, 5, 6 students to the Royal Ontario Museum & Queen's Park.
- Thursday, October 23: Centennial Secondary School, Academic Awards Ceremony.
- Friday, October 24: Hillcrest School, Wear Purple to Support Child Abuse Prevention.
- Tuesday, November 11: Remembrance Day ceremonies at several schools.
Notice of motion: Policy Review, Part A, 2014-2015
Notice of motion was given that a recommendation will be presented at the Board meeting on November 17, 2014 to approve changes to the following Board policies:
- Policy 2: By-laws, Forms
- Policy 3: Board Operations
- Policy 3B: Electronic Meetings
- Policy 3E: Trustee Honoraria
- Policy 3H: Filling Vacancies on the Board
- Policy 3J: Board Review/Self-evaluation
- Policy 3: Operations, Forms
- Policy 5: Director of Education Job Description
- Policy 6: Delegation of Authority
- Policy 8: Board Member Code of Conduct
- Policy 9: Role of the Board Member
- Policy 10: Duties of the Chair and Vice-chair
- Policy 11M: Ad Hoc Committees
- Policy 16: Selection of the Director of Education
Upcoming meetings
All meetings take place at the Education Centre unless otherwise noted.
- Wednesday, October 22: Parent Involvement Committee Annual General Meeting, 6:00 p.m.
- Thursday, October 23: Special Education Advisory Committee, 5:00 p.m., Quinte Secondary School
- Monday, November 3: Executive Committee, 11:00 a.m.
- Monday, November 10: Program & Human Resources Committee, 5:30 p.m.
- Monday, November 10: Operations & Finance Committee, 7:00 p.m.
- Monday, November 17: Public Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Quinte Mohawk School
- Monday, November 24: Meeting to approve outstanding meeting minutes, 11:00 a.m.
- Thursday, November 27: Special Education Advisory Committee, 5:00 p.m., Quinte Secondary School
For more information, please contact Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer, extension 2354, [email protected]