We are pleased to present the
2020-2025 Strategic Plan
(pdf) for the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board (HPEDSB).
Our new strategic plan consists of a vision, mission, priorities and goals, all of which are aligned with Ministry of Education priorities and built on the foundation of caring, cooperation, honesty, humour, integrity, respect, responsibility and trustworthiness.
HPEDSB Board of Trustees and Administration have been working since December 2019 to craft the new strategic plan by collecting student, family, staff, and community feedback; analyzing identified priorities found in the collected consultation data; participating in strategic planning retreats; developing accompanying metrics and indicators that will demonstrate progress; and committing to the successful completion of a new strategic plan during a global pandemic, amidst a four-month school district shut-down (March to June).
We are most appreciative of everyone who has been part of the planning and review processes.
Thank you to all for the ideas, energy and commitment to the planning process.
At HPEDSB we are committed to student success and well-being.
Each student is an inpidual with unique interests, goals, strengths and challenges.
We have high expectations of great achievement for everyone in the HPEDSB family, as we continue our learning together.
Lead with integrity and high expectations for all.
Inspire curiosity, display compassion and empathy, nurture individuality and foster a sense of community on our journey to higher achievement.
Strategic priorities and goals
Improve Student Success and Achievement
- Annual increase in the percentage of students meeting the provincial standards in Grade 3, 6, 9, and 10 assessments
- Annual increase in students (Kindergarten to Grade 3) reading at benchmarks by establishing a comprehensive early literacy strategy, with an emphasis on speech and oral language development and phonemic and phonetic competence levels
- Annual increase in individual secondary school graduation rates, and overall Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board graduation rate, year over year, meeting provincial standard by 2025 (85%)
- Annual increase in the number of adult students achieving an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)
- Annual increase in the number of students in Grades 9 to 12 achieving credit benchmarks (8 for 8 credits in Grade 9, and 16 for 16 credits in Grade 10)
- Increase in the number of students accessing Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Programs (OYAP), Dual Credits and Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) opportunities
Foster a Culture of Excellence and High Expectations
- Decisions will be made from a student-centered approach considering the impact on students and connected to this plan
- Improve the student experience as informed and evidenced by the annual completion of secondary school exit surveys
- Provide universally designed learning opportunities and supports based on each student’s learner profile
- Enhance staff potential and professional development experiences through the utilization of employee growth plans, performance appraisals and recognition opportunities
- Recognize and celebrate innovation and excellence on an annual basis
- Enhance leadership development and succession planning through specific training and mentorship opportunities
- Advocate for public education and demonstrate sound decision making through good governance
Promote Safety and Well-being
- Create environments where students and staff feel safe and are supported to learn, work and thrive
- Foster resiliency and respectful relationships among and between staff and students
- Reduce the number of student suspensions and expulsions
- Adopt the principles of Restorative Justice, and provide appropriate and personalized interventions wherever needed
- Support students and staff through increased awareness and access to professional mental health resources
- Collaborate with community partners to support the needs of students and staff
- Support employee mental health and wellness through professional resources, supports and innovative practices
Strengthen Community through Equity and Social Justice
- Provide intentional resources and opportunities to create a culture of acceptance, adopting principles of equity which reflect the diversity of our students, their families and staff
- Create inclusive environments by increasing the visibility and recognition of diversity, including the celebration of Black History Month, Pride Month and Indigenous History Month
- Ensure greater inclusion and diversity of student representation at all levels of Board and school leadership
- Identify and reduce discrimination through enhanced tracking, monitoring and education
Support and implement necessary actions to incorporate Recommendation #10 of the Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
- Closing identified educational achievement gaps to within one generation
- Improving education attainment levels and success rates
- Developing culturally appropriate curricula
- Asserting and teaching aboriginal languages as credit courses
- Enabling parental and community responsibility control and accountability for what all parents enjoy in public school systems
- Enabling Aboriginal parents to fully participate in the education of their children
- Collect voluntary self-identification Indigenous student data to intentionally make program and resource decisions
- Ensure recruiting, hiring, and retention practices reflect diversity and inclusion
- Utilize gender-neutral language in all Board documents and practices
Ensure Responsible Communication
- Promote Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board as the system of choice through a new unified corporate and school identity
- Improve experience through revisioned and diverse communication platform
- Improve public relations by providing information that is timely, transparent and accessible for all
- Increase awareness and presence through the sharing of compelling student, staff and school experiences
- Increase engagement in the number of parents participating in Parent Involvement Committee events and school councils
Contact information
613-966-1170 extension 62201
[email protected]