Each month, school newsletters include a one-page insert called Home-School Connections. It describes ways in which families can enhance student learning at home in the areas of literacy; numeracy; healthy, caring schools and improving student learning.
This month's Home-School Connections (pdf file) features:
- Literacy: Effective communications is important to be successful in life. Students need to grow and work within this evolving environment.
- Numeracy: Horizontal math questions allow students to be more flexible with numbers and develop a better understanding of place value.
- Healthy, Caring Schools: Students who experience a greater sense of well-being, live healthier lives.
- Improving Student Learning: Exploration, experimentation and questioning are good things. Children need to learn that answers to their questions can be discovered through their own investigations. The best way to learn science, is to do science - 20 science activities.
For more information, please contact:
Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer, 613-966-1170 or 1 800 267-4350, extension 2354, [email protected]