Centre Hastings Reviews

Accommodation review of Centre Hastings schools


Accommodation reviews have been approved for the Belleville and Madoc areas and a number of schools in Prince Edward County. An accommodation review happens through the school board, with public input, to determine the future of a school or group of schools.

Accommodation review final recommendations

On June 19, 2017, Board members made the following recommendations for Madoc/area schools:

  • Recommendation 1: Madoc Township Public School becomes K-8 effective September 2017, with Grade 7 and 8 students from Madoc Public School who live within the Madoc Township boundary returning to Madoc Township. Madoc Public remains a K-8 school.
  • Recommendation 2: Consolidate Centre Hastings Secondary School, Madoc Public School and Madoc Township Public School pending submission of a business case to the Ministry of Education for funding to build a new K-12 school located in the Madoc area, and in consultation with the municipality regarding location options and plans to enhance green space for the K-12 school. Should a business case for a new K-12 school not be approved by the Ministry of Education, consolidate Madoc Public School and Centre Hastings Secondary School as a K-12 school pending Ministry of Education approval for an addition and/or renovations at Centre Hastings Secondary School along with funding to demolish Madoc Public School, and subject to the provision of complete architectural drawings showing separation of learning and designated outdoor activity areas for elementary and secondary students, and upon funding approval, the subsequent demolition of Madoc Public School to create green space for the K-12 school.
  • Recommendation 3: Continue to explore opportunities for community partnerships for the consolidated school(s), including child care opportunities that are aligned with the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan priorities.